═══ 1. Extended Help for Print Envelope ═══ The Print Envelopes program helps you print envelopes, using any printer supported by OS/2 which can print envelopes. You type the address and return address in easy-to-use multi-line edit fields. You may save them to avoid retyping during subsequent envelope printing runs. This is a free program, and full C language source code is provided. Dave Briccetti & Associates P.O. Box 1713 Lafayette, CA 94549-7013 USA CompuServe: 74475,1072 Copyright (c) 1990, David C. Briccetti All rights reserved. ═══ 2. Source Code ═══ The PMEnv source code contains examples of the following: o Multi-threaded printing, including multiple instances of a second thread function o Queued device contexts o Device-independent printing o Graphics text output using GPI o Profile management o Dialog box handling o Multi-line edit controls o Online help using IPF ═══ 3. Return Address ═══ The Return Address multi-line edit field is where you type the return address to be printed in the upper-left corner of the envelope. ═══ 4. Address ═══ The Address multi-line edit field is where you type the address to be printed on the envelope. ═══ 5. Printer ═══ The Printer radio buttons let you select how PMENV controls the printer. HP LaserJet If you select HP LaserJet, PMENV will command the printer with Hewlett Packard Printer Control Language (PCL). By using PCL, PMENV can send the commands to put the printer into landscape mode and to cause the printer to prompt you to insert an envelope. Generic If you select Generic, PMENV will use standard, device-independent Presentation Manager facilities to access the printer. ═══ 6. Top Margin ═══ The Top Margin is the number of blank lines printed above the return address. Note: Margin settings have no effect when the HP LaserJet printer type is selected. ═══ 7. Left Margin ═══ The Left Margin is the number of columns of blank space preceding the return address. Note: Margin settings have no effect when the HP LaserJet printer type is selected. ═══ 8. Print ═══ The Print button causes an envelope to be printed, using the return address and address which are currently displayed. Multi-threaded Printing It may take several seconds for each envelope to be spooled for printing after you press the Print button. But since PMENV is multi-threaded , you may continue to interact with it while the spooling takes place. You may type another address, use any of the controls, and even press the Print button again. PMENV will create as many threads as necessary to satisfy your print requests, and will spool multiple envelopes concurrently. ═══ 9. Save ═══ The Save button saves the following in the OS/2 user profile: o Address o Return address o Printer type o Margins These values will be automatically restored when you next run the program. ═══ 10. Defaults ═══ The Defaults button restores all controls to their default values. The address and return address fields are cleared to blanks. ═══ ═══ Dave Briccetti is an independent OS/2 programming consultant. He has been working with OS/2 since 1987. He has one software product, MsgVu, a tool for managing files of electronic correspondence. For clients, he has developed OS/2 software for the data communications and mechanical engineering fields. ═══ ═══ A multi-threaded application is one that can perform more than one task concurrently, such as producing print output while continuing to interact with the user.